Sunday, March 05, 2006

Just another boring Saturday...

Today we had a lot on our plate to try and get done. Becca began the day by making some great French Toast. It had been a while, and sometimes you don't realize how "homey" a particular food may be when you haven't had it for a while. The Costa Rican's don't even know what French Toast is.
Afterward, Brooklyn and I went to the farmer's market. We showed up a bit late, and found that some of the things we normally like to buy were gone already, like strawberries.
The main task to try and accomplish today was working on some of the logistics for our shipment that is in Colorado and needs to be sent to Ecuador. Becca did most of the work, which entailed putting all of our items in a special little form that itemizes EVERYTHING, while I began a little bit of the translating. We have to have our list in English and Spanish of course. It is wierd to read what we packed over a year ago, and to a lot of it say, "why." But for the most part we are really looking forward to being able to use some of those things and make a cosy home in Ecuador. We were realizing the other night, that after almost a year of "camping," it can start to get old, and nothing really seems "homey." Not to mention we are just getting flat out anxious to make our move to Ecuador. You can also be in prayer for our shipment process. Should be pretty straight forward, but there are a lot of logistics and translating involved.
By the way, the Baptist couple that went to get their Ecuadorian visas had success yesterday. The consulate decided to process thier application, which should make it easier for us. Praise the Lord!
While Becca was working away at the computer today, our neighbor was doing some car repair in the street. This is nothing uncommon nomatter where you live, but he was fixing his horn. You can imagine how well that was going. Always something new here in Latin America.
We just watched the movie "Chicken Little" with Brooklyn. It was pretty good. It has been fun to have all 3 of us sit on the couch lately and watch a whole movie. These beginning "family nights" are pretty fun, especially when Brooklyn cuddles with papa for the whole thing, after eating all of the popcorn of course.
Tommoro we are off to church in the morning and then back to the grind with our shipment stuff. Hope to get it done tommoro. Becca and I have a good chunk of homework for tommoro also. This past week I did a report on Che Guavara (Motorcycle Diaries) and Monday I have to present Hugo Chavez, the current Venezuelan president. I have to present him as thought I were really him, and afterwards allow my classmates to drill me on why I belive one thing or another ect. Should be interesting. One of our classmates was going to go to Venezuela after language school, but he and his family are now going to stay and pastor a church here, because Chavez isn't letting American missionaries into the country. For those that dont know, he is very controvercial and basically communist. MAF just got done pulling out of the Venelzuelan jungle, and the country altogether because of a mandate ordered by him. Of course many MAF'ers are displaced now at HQ and praying what to do next or where to go. He had accused us of hauling illegal contraband out of the jungle (gold, silver, drugs, ect.) and helping the CIA in infiltrating the jungle and the Venezuelan outskirts in order to overthrow his government. Of course this was all published and broadcast over the government controlled media.
The media is just a bittersweet thing, huh? Give them freedom of press, and they screw things up and make the truth whatever they need it to be to make a dollar or promote an agenda. Tell them what they can say, when they can say it, and how, and it is just as bad.
Anyway, all that said, we have a lot to do as the days begin drawing to an end for us here in Costa Rica. It is good that way, so we stay busy and allow the days to go by faster.

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