Sunday, April 16, 2006


  • We have sure been bored lately. With our time winding down (11days left in C.R.) we cannot go anywhere, cannot spend money, and are trying to use what we have in the kitchen so we don't buy food we won't use.
  • We did go downtown today to buy some things. We realized it will probably be our last time to that part of San Jose and it didn't really break our hearts. As we ate our lunch (Quizno's, it was great!) and watched all the people, we were just assured again that cities are not our preference. The town of Shell where we are moving to in Ecuador is no more than 10,000 people, maybe less, and that suits us just fine.
  • Brooklyn's vocab continues to expand, as does her ability to put together a complete sentance. With the abundance of dog log (puppy poo) eveywhere, sidewalks, parks, streets, ect, Brooklyn has added a new sentance. "Look Dada, puppy poopoo. Guacala"
  • The word "Guacala" (think guacamole for pronunciation) for those of you wondering is Spanish. It basically translates as gross, yuck, and icky all in the same package. How is that for a deal?
  • Tommorow we have an interesting Easter Lunch planned. Rather that spill all the news now, we will wait to see how it goes before we say to much. I will give you this hint..."Grand Slam."

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