Thursday, June 01, 2006

By myself

So this is Day 3 without Sean around. Brooklyn and I are doing well. We've kept busy with little projects and outings. We did run the battery out on the truck, though. Brooklyn must have turned the lights on as she was getting out (she loves those buttons) and since the truck doesn't "ding" when that happens, I missed it. That is the second time in a week! Grrrr. Oh, well, luckily we have a battery charger and I managed to hook that up without blowing anything up. I've had to take out the trash and feed the dogs too. I miss my hubby!

I heard from Sean by email last night and he was doing fine in Wichita. Looks like they'll try to head South today - a day sooner than we thought. Keep them in your prayers. If they do leave today that would put them in Texas tonight, Oaxaca, Mexico tomorrow, Costa Rica on Saturday and Ecuador on Sunday!

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