Tuesday, June 06, 2006

They arrived and it works!

It took all morning and part of the afternoon, but we finally tracked down our "delivery boy" that brought our parts for the plane from Oaxaca. Dan and I soon went back out to the airport and installed the mag harness, and wahlah, the engine runs great. So that said we will be south bound for Panama City tommorow, or San José, Costa Rica for sure if the weather gets bad. It is ironic that all those years of hard work training to become an airplane mechanic are paying off on my first MAF flight, which just so happens to be an intercontinental ferry flight. It was a great feeling to start the engine and hear it purr right along, and rejoice that we diagnosed the problem correctly. So...IF things go well the rest of the trip, I will finally be home on Thursday of this week. Join with us in prayer for the rest of this trip. It is so far proving to be unforgettable in more ways than one.

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