Friday, August 18, 2006

Real Missionaries

Last night, at about midnight, the electricity went off. Although it didn't make much difference to us since we were sleeping, it did frighten Brooklyn who has become pretty dependent on her night-light. It was a weird night...very dark and quiet! I finally just left a flashlight on so that Brooklyn would settle down and go back to sleep. This morning the electricity still wasn't on - it's off all over Shell, not just in our neighborhood, and we assume the entire province of Pastaza is without electricty (there is a lot of jungle out there that probably doesn't have electricity anyway, but you get the point).

We've heard a couple of reasons for the power outage. Supposedly, a tower or pole fell. Also, we've heard that there are 2 inches of ash in the city of Ambato (about two hours up the road) from Volcano Tungarahua causing problems with the transformers. Who knows if one or both of these stories are true but it sure has shut down our life in Shell! We've been told it will be a couple of days before they are able to get things up and running again (the original estimation was 8 days but that has been reduced to just 2). The main road to Quito is also shut down.

I'm feeling like a real missionary now - completely cut off from the rest of the world! Right now I'm breathing the gas fumes from the generator that we will keep on for a few hours so that the things in our freezer don't go bad. It is loud and obnoxious but we're grateful to have some power in order to cook, do laundry, run a few fans, and keep our meat fresh! It is also nice to have the computer on - I didn't realize how dependent I am on the computer and internet until I couldn't turn it on! Even our cordless phones are useless when the power goes out. Talk about feeling disconnected from the rest of the world!

Brooklyn is also a little under the weather today. There seems to be something going around, although I'm not too sure what it is or how to describe it. For Brooklyn it has been just a low-grade fever and not feeling quite right. Now that we have the generator up and running, I have her resting on the couch watching videos. She hasn't been her normal energetic self this morning and for the first time ever she hasn't moved from one spot for a very long time.

As I look back at this blog, I realize it could cause some of you (mostly parents) to start to worry. I want to stress that we are all just fine. I must be a true missionary at heart because the whole power outage thing is quite adventurous to me! As far as Brooklyn goes, I know this is nothing serious and that the fever just has to run it's course. She'll get plenty of special attention, liquids, and love as she recuperates, so Grandmas you may now just relax! --Becca

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