Thursday, September 07, 2006

14 has arrived...

Late last week, we finally recieved our new addition to the MAF fleet here in Shell. Remember the ferry flight that I made back in the first part of June? Well, it finally made it from Quito to Shell. It had been held up this whole time in customs, while they figured out how much we had to pay them. It wasn't cheap, as the check had 5 figures on it. But at least we have it here now and we can begin to use it hopefully in the near future. As you can tell from the picture below, our mechanics are digging into it pretty thoroughly. It will be at least a few weeks before it is ready to fly again. This "new" airplane will be called "Alas 14." All of our airplanes have a numerical name making them easier to distinguish. So, at this point we have Alas 10, 11, 12, 13, and now 14. (By the way, our MAF name in Spanish is Alas de Socorro, or Wings of Help.)

Also, as always, I found some more bugs this morning as I opened up the hangar at work. The picture below is from the wings of a moth. Isn't God's design so amazing, that even the "eyes" on these wings have reflection marks? Explain that evolution!

We have added a new addition to our family this week. We bought a car! I will post a picture soon. We had been looking for a car since we got here. I was very familiar therefore with prices of various vehichles, and when we saw this 94 Ford Bronco I knew it was a good deal. A fellow missionary with HCJB World Radio sold the Bronco to us. It is sure nice to be driving our own car now, and not having to worry about damaging someone else's car.

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