Friday, September 22, 2006

The Donco O.R.

Here is a little pic of my "new" car. It looks pretty pathetic, but hopefully this weekend I will be able to get it close to operational if not totally repaired. We will see.
On a different note, we caught a rat today in the hangar much to the pleasure of our smallest Boa snake, named Maximo. He had that thing down in no time, and you couldn't even tell he had been fed afterwards. Usually there is a lump in their mid-section that shows what they just ate. The 11th of August was the last time he ate!
I was also able to fly again today. I just did what we call an R.T.S. It stands for "return to service," and we do these after an airplane comes out of maintenance. Although the flight itself was pretty boring as far a cargo and people stories, it was still a great feeling to be able to fly again all by myself!

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