Sunday, February 18, 2007


Finally...I can tell you the covert ops we have been part of, now that the grandparents all know about it. What am I talking about? This past week I blogged about my trip through the Andes, and how beautiful they were with all the snow capped peaks. What was I doing in the Andes in the first place when Shell is in the jungle? I was on my way home from Quito, after dropping off Rebecca, Brooklyn, and Madison at the airport.

Wednesday morning they started an epic, yet successful, journey to Colorado. Currently, my 3 girls are at Becca's parents house. The purpose of the trip was to surprise Ron and Vicki (and everyone else involved) for their 40th wedding anniversary. It sounds like everyone was more than surprised. Of course, we couldn't have pulled off this kind of secret operation without some trained help. Many thanks to the Howard's for their role in providing a transport mobilization unit, encrypted communications, and some good ol' bluffing. Thanks to Anita, Richard, and Steve as well for keeping things on the down low.

Total, my girls will be in the good ol' USA 10 days. I will leave next weekend to go to Quito and pick them up at the airport.

I'll leave it up to Becca, if she desires, to share what she is feeling, seeing, smelling, etc, after being gone from our homeland for more than two years.

Now, if I could just remember how to run the washing machine!

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