Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Doctor visit

Growing up I always remember my mom saying weird words. I knew she was just inventing ideas and sicknesses just to get me to do something. At one time I thought she had invented the word "kooth" (sp?). She said I didn't have any, which didn't bother me, because with a word that stupid who would want some anyway.

The other was a medical invention on her part, or so I thought. She was always talking about impetigo. Supposedly, I was destined to get it if I didn't clean up my act, or take more showers etc. Well mom...Guess what I went to the doctor for today? Yep, I now have impetigo. It broke out a little on my chin and lower leg. It should be cleared up in a few days with the medicine I have. There are any number of places I could have got it, one of which is the people that I fly as passengers everyday, but I'll probably never know. Anyway, I just wonder what other words I am going to realize are real that my mom used to tell me as I grow older.


carrie said...

Of course YOU would get impetigo. You're like a magnet to weird and obscure ailments.

Wikipedia states "Treatment may involve washing with soap and water...." Might want to give that a try, Sean. :-)

Rebecca said...

You just wait till' I think of a good comeback...until then maybe I will wash my hands...Sean