Saturday, March 24, 2007

From the logbook...Monkey business

I only had one flight today. After waiting half of the day for the weather to get better, I was finally on my way after lunch. My flight was only taking a visiting group of New Yorkers (I told you I haul interesting cargo!) into the village of Tiweano (TIW) for a quick visit/tour. All together, the NY group was 10 people, so we used 2 airplanes, Steve was the other pilot. These type of flights are usually pretty fun. I always see and learn something myself that I didn't know before.

Here is a top down view after I took off from TIW. Steve was airborne himself about 30 seconds later in Alas 12.

I have had my share of monkeys to see this week, each one different. It is fun seeing God's creation in it's natural setting. Sometimes you truely do feel like you are at the zoo.

This guy was just swinging through the trees as we were walking back to the airplanes to leave. Notice those huge cupped hands for swinging. He could sure swing from tree to tree. Tarzan would have had a run for his money today. He was the biggest monkey I have ever seen in the wild. He was probably as big as your average 5-6 year old child (not including his arms).

1 comment:

Javier said...

Hello Sean and Rebecca Cannon,

I love to read you blog everyday and look what news you put on it everyday.
I love living like Ecuador(jungle) i was living in Suriname and there is also jungle. I loved it there, but there is dificult to live if you don't have a good job, the money doen't pay that good if you don't have a good job, and now i live in Aruba(Dutch Caribbean)

Keep posting things on your blog, because i love to read them.

And by the way Sean, thanks for the information about the altitude you guys fly etc.

Best Regards
Javier Vermaas