Tuesday, April 10, 2007

La gloria de la creación

Here are a few photos I snapped this afternoon...

Sangay Volcano was really beautiful as the sun went beyond the horizon tonight. Some big lenticular clouds are forming at the top, indicating some strong winds. So strong are the winds that the ash cloud is barely noticeable going from left to right.

Tungurahua Volcano didn't disappoint either as the sun went down.

El Altar is always inspiring when it comes out from its cloud blanket. Every time I look at it close up through my camera I am just in awe of the power I see, and the contrast with the snow and glaciers, as I take the photo from the middle of the tropical rain forest.

This rainbow I caught just as I was getting on my bike again this afternoon to come home. I altered it some to show the rainbow better. Isn't it neat how God continues to show his promise through the rainbow that he will never destroy the earth with a flood again? He could have chosen to only show it once to Noah and his family, but we are blessed to continue to see them worldwide, and remember the promise of God.

I found a neat scarab beetle this afternoon in the hangar. They are neat beetles because of all the different iridescent colors they can be. This one was small, about the size of a half dollar coin.

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