I forgot to mention a few weeks ago that things got resolved with our air ambulance flying. The outstanding flight bill was finally paid, and we are now resuming air ambulance service. It is structured a little different than before, and we are still working out the kinks, but overall I think it will work fine. Because of our renewed air ambulance flying, I have been hauling a few patients this week.
This afternoon as I was getting ready to leave San Carlos for Shell, our flight coordinator told me via radio that there was a snake bite patient in nearby Washintza (WAS). I could fly over there and get the woman because I had plenty of gas, but I couldn't take the current load of 2 people and about 300 pounds of cargo and still make it our of WAS with the patient. So, I unloaded everything in San Carlos, flew 2 minutes over to WAS and picked up the patient. I then returned to San Carlos and put my original load of cargo and people on, and then we were on our way back to Shell. San Carlos is a longer strip that WAS and has better climb out angles, thus I could take off with three people and a lot of cargo.
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