Thursday, August 23, 2007

From the logbook...Preacher man

If you have read Becca's blog, you will see my reason for my lack of posts. We were in Quito since last Saturday, and we just returned yesterday.

I was put right back into action today with the flights we had. Mid morning I first went to a place called Quenahueno (QNO), a Waorani village. There is a missionary woman visiting here in Shell that used to live with and work among the Wao Indians for over 10 years. She wanted to go back to her old "stomping" grounds for a few days and catch up on how things were since she left back in the 80's.
When we landed in QNO quite a crowd showed up. It was more people than I had ever seen in QNO. Usually it is a hand full of kids that come to see the airplane. Today we were treated with a few more than that.

(This was one of my passengers today, Dewey. He is a murderer, saved by the same grace I am. He was part of the spearing party that killed the 5 missionaries all those years ago. Today, he is quite a different story. On his recent trip to the "big" city (a.k.a. Shell, pop. 3500) he acquired a large illustrated kids Bible. He didn't waste anytime in QNO showing it off to the whole village and thus telling them the various stories throughout the Bible. He had a pretty devoted crowd and was very passionate in his preaching, although I couldn't understand any of it, it was all in Waorani. After about 40 minutes on the ground in QNO, we flew to Tiweano (TIW) which is where Dewey lives and the missionary was going to visit. I also had a patient return on board that was also from TIW.

The woman I took to stay with the Wao was a Bible translator, and played a key part in getting the Bible translated into Waorani. She brought some Bibles with her and it seemed like the community was really happy to get them. I thought this picture was neat since it represents the two most precious things on this Earth, God's word and his children.

(Note-one of the things that Becca's mom brought for me was a new camera I had ordered. I will try to put my pictures on at full resolution for best viewing. If it seems like a little overkill to some with slower connections, let me know and I can make them smaller. )


Anonymous said...

Great blog, the best from the MAF, a lot of information.
God Bless

Anonymous said...

Wow. Years ago (before all the movies and whatnot) the Lord used Elisabeth Elliot and her story to bring me back to Him. At that time I was fascinate with the stories and read up on everything I could find--and read everything she wrote that I could get my hands on. I have never met her but she has been my mentor since the early 90's when I discovered her books.

It is amazing to see the results of what happened still be played out. God is SO GOOD!