Saturday, October 06, 2007

From the logbook...tour guide

I am the on call pilot this weekend, therefore I have today off from work. Yesterday was a fun day in the cockpit as I flew to all ends of the jungle. I had two flights, the first taking patients and people back home and bringing missionaries out, and the second was a "tour."

We are often asked to fly people (usually North Americans) to various communities so they can see a glimpse of jungle life, and then fly back home the same day. Yesterday's group was large enough that we used 3 airplanes to get them all into the Waorani village of Tiweano (TIW). This is a popular destination because it is close, about a twenty minute flight, and the people are a lot of fun and very accommodating. As pilots, we end up being the middle man tour guide, acting as a translator and answering a lot of questions.

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