Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Monkey Business

During a stretch of "free time" I was able to take a few of the work team members to the village of Tiweano for an afternoon. We were treated with some very interesting and funny monkey encounters.While I cannot prove it, I think I had to abort a takeoff from Tiweano a few weeks ago because of this monkey. As I began my takeoff roll, I saw a large black human shaped object in the middle of the runway. I pulled the power and slammed on the brakes only to find out it was a monkey, a big one. While walking back to the airplane on this subsequent trip, I saw him again, and learned he was a pet. I warned the owners to keep him close when airplanes are around, because he would leave a very expensive dent in an airplane due to his size.

As I approached this "pet" monkey, he appeared to get a little shy and pulled his "blankie" over himself. Or, maybe he was just a Young Monkey Jedi in training.

This picture doesn't need a lot of explanation. There was a little bit of everything under this house. Note the chicken legs in the background.

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