Monday, December 07, 2009

Special Co-Laborers

Oaxaca, Mexico, originally uploaded by Cielo Azul Images.

Yesterday, we had the blessing of ministering at a small church in our hometown, Emmanuel Assembly. This church is always an encouragement. Although they are small, they truly understand what it means to be a "co-laborer" in Christ. I took some time to brag on them telling them that despite their size, they were one of our biggest supporters. I encouraged them, just like Paul did to the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 about the Macedonians. As we left, we were able to catch up, and hear some awesome stories of how lives were changed and others were in the process. This church resides on the "other side of the tracks" and regularly sees those people that society has given up on. To hear the stories of deliverance from abuse, drugs, alcohol, and any other number of problems, you leave that church confident that God is able to keep His promises and even more. Many of the people in that church are radically on fire for God, and love much, because they have been forgiven much. We left encouraged and hopeful that our next meeting together, whenever that might be, would once again prove encouraging on both sides.

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