Monday, January 25, 2010

Sledding Trip

Sledding Trip, originally uploaded by Cielo Azul Images.

Yesterday, the weather finally improved enough to go and enjoy some of it's "fruit." Our nearby mountains received 48" of snow this past week and we thought we should go make a sledding trip. Presumably, next January we should be living in the tropics, so this was a memorable trip. We had a great time as a family and brought along our niece as well as Daddy Ben. The little people were a little overwhelmed since they tended to sink in the snow that was deeper than they were tall. As long as they stayed on the "sled bench" they didn't suddenly disappear into the deep white powder. Even our crazy dog had a blast, while he pretended to be a rescue dog.  Click here to view a few more pictures.

1 comment:

Chad and Andi Irwin said...

You've got some scary looking snow bunnies up your way!