Tuesday, June 08, 2010


Northern New Mexico, originally uploaded by Cielo Azul Images.
They say that a good pilot never stops learning...the same can be said for a mechanic as well. Despite the picture above of the Southwest from our nice weekend trip, I am in Spokane, WA now undergoing some maintenance training for turbine aircraft. Although we are just scratching the surface so far it is very interesting and informative.

Oswald Chambers had a good word today. "If you do not cut the moorings, God will have to break them by a storm and send you out. Launch all on God, go out on the great swelling tide of His purpose, and you will get your eyes open...Beware of harking back to what you were once when God wants you to be something you have never been."

1 comment:

Rebecca C. said...

"Launch all on God, go out on the great swelling tide of His purpose, and you will get your eyes open. If you believe in Jesus, you are not to spend all your time in the smooth waters just inside the harbor bar, full of delight, but always moored, you have to get out through the harbor bar into the great deeps of God and begin to know for yourself, begin to have spiritual discernment."