Thursday, July 08, 2010

Noise Converters

Potato Spraying, originally uploaded by Cielo Azul Images.
During the summer months, you don't have to drive very far to hear a very unique sound...that of the local crop dusters converting Avgas into a lot of noise and thrust.

The local pilots got an early start this morning and were actually spraying all the fields surrounding our house. After we finished up an early morning phone call to Indonesia (it was evening there) I went out and grabbed a few shots of the Grumman Ag Cat working it's magic. It also happened to be piloted by one of my flight instructors from years ago. He took me through my instrument rating, commercial, and CFII tickets. Nathan and Becky, if you were wondering why it was so noisy when we were talking to you, now you know why.


Tyler said...

Sooooo I am guessing you got a little of what he was spraying on you too? Looks like a great shot!

Sean Cannon said...

How do you think I keep all of the amoebas and parasites killed from living in the third world? I just hang out under the crop dusters for a morning! Hope you are doing well...I saw your brother in the hardware store the other day...