Since we are still on break from school this whole week Becca and I jumped on the Piglet (our scooter) and went up to the mountains yesterday. It was a great ride and we saw many awe inspiring landscapes that we had never imagined before. Above is a picture of Mt. Merbabu (the one I tried to climb) on the left and Mt. Merapi seen on the right. Mt. Merapi is the most active volcano in Indonesia and is currently belching smoke and ash.
We made our way to a water fall that was a few kilometers off the beaten path. After getting lost a few times, we asked enough questions to finally get to the water fall. It was a beautiful landscape. Notice the little village built right at the top of it.
While enjoying the waterfall, we were privileged to have a clear day to see all the way down to the valley below where we live. It is a stark climactic contrast from the rice paddies and swamps of where we live to the cool mountain villages. It almost had the feel of fall; cool, crisp air, and warm sunshine...almost.
What is any Sean and Becca trip good for if we don't take a picture of ourselves. You can see the waterfall in the background. We were both laughing that we both felt saddle sore after getting home. Three to four hours on a scooter...I mean a piglet... can make you tired and sore while maneuvering in third world traffic on third world roads.
excellent! so good to get out and see more of the area around you...keep those pictures coming! Laughing at the thought of you and Becca heading out on piglet and the fun, craziness and laughter of the adventure. thanks for sharing...this makes me smile!
Thanks for sharing your adventure with us. The Cannons are the best!
Nice hat Sean, way to advertise :)
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