Monday, December 27, 2010

A Different Way to Spend Christmas

Christmas tradition here in Indonesia typically involves visiting your friends and family in their homes throughout the day.  We were invited to spend a little time with some of our Indonesian co-workers while here in PalangkaRaya.  We drove north of the city about 35 minutes to a small village like town to meet with Sugianto and his family (pictured at the top next to the TV).

 While relaxing and chatting in his home, we drew a crowd of neighbor kids to look in on the action.
 As we left I took a picture of Sugianto's family along with some of the neighborhood children.  

Now that I am back around airplanes again, what is a good blog post without an aircraft.  Yesterday, Sunday, my co-worker flew to pick up a high level government official and is seen here landing back into PKY.

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