Sunday, February 20, 2011

An Arachnid Viewing...

Last week I headed out with the girls to see what there was to see...and mostly just get them out of the house before mommy blew a fuse. (4-6pm seems to bring the worst out in our girls) The above spider looks and moves a lot like a crab.  It is about the size of small paper clip.

This isn't the best picture because my shooting light was fading.  But, it still shows a very bizarre specimen of spider; about the size of a half dollar coin.

I wonder if the spider above and the spider below are a similar species, or perhaps male and female of the same species.  The had very similar shapes, yet very different colorations.  They are about as big as a man's hand.

You might think that I like spiders since I posted a few pictures.  This couldn't be farther from the truth.  They give me the willies, and I don't particularly like them.  However, I am always astonished at how our Maker put so much detail and purpose into something so small.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sean, Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. Since I love photography so much, I helps me to see Indonesia in a way that I might if I were there (through the lens). Keep up the good work, brother. We are praying for you guys.

Sean Cannon said...

Thank you for your prayers and kind comments Ted!