Friday, April 22, 2011

From the Logbook...Preacher Flight

Today, Good Friday, I rode along as a passenger instead of as a POI (pilot under instruction).  Technically, MAF was closed today due to the holiday but we still had one flight to fulfill.  We flew into a village about 100 miles from PLR where two German nurses live and have ministered for over 30 years.  We dropped off 3 board members of their organization so they could preach and participate in Easter festivities in the middle of Borneo.  Despite the picturesque scene above, the approach and takeoff are very challenging.  I look forward to the day when I have the experience to safely operate in and out of the village of Marikoi.

The village we visited was full of all kinds of Flora and Fauna that only a jungle can support.  This big butterfly wouldn't stay still, thus the picture is a little fuzzy.  In the next few days I'll post some more pictures of some of the other animals I saw during my short time in Marikoi.

1 comment:

Chad and Andi Irwin said...

What a great way to spend your birthday!! Hope you have/had a great day!