Tuesday, November 22, 2011

From the Logbook...Goha and the Jumping Bean

Last week I had the privilege of taking a national co-workers uncle and his family back to their home village of Goha.  The uncle has become sick with something and couldn't make the overland trip.  I climbed up on top of the airplane to snap this picture.  It was a crazy docking situation and my feet ended up wet because once 4 or more people stood on the dock, it began to sink.

The man without as shirt and waving in the picture also gave me a new experience.  While I tried to start my airplane in order to leave, he suddenly jumped from the dock onto my float and began to tie my pontoon ropes to my float steps.  Due to the very challenging water and swirling eddies, I wasn't going to take him back to the dock.  I quickly instructed him to leave my ropes alone and that he would have to jump from my airplane into the river and swim back to the dock.  He didn't seem to mind and soon he jumped off and began swimming back to the dock.  Life is definitively a box of chocolates when flying a float plane in Borneo, you truly never know what you're gunna get.


IndoBushPilot said...

Ok Forest.

That sounded like a fun experience. At least they didn't get in the prop arc while it was running.

Sean Cannon said...

I was very grateful he was out of the prop arc, although he came close while I was starting the engine. God definitely looks after us!