Monday, December 12, 2011

From the Logbook...Lawang Kama Pt. 1

Last week before leaving PalangkaRaya I already had a long day planned; full of moving some pastor teams, picking up our own MAF team that ministered interior over the weekend, and a few other "general" passengers.  However, before I even got to my first stop, I received a call over the radio informing me about a woman that had given birth 3 days before and was still having some real trouble.  If I could pick her up, it would change everything else I would accomplish that day...sounded like a typical day as a missionary pilot.

After I reversed course and dropped off my passengers at another village, telling them I would be back in about 2.5 hours, I set a new course for the patients village.  I was on the patients river about 45 minutes later.  Since the airplane had only been in their village many years ago, most of the village turned out to see the unique floating airplane driven by a man equally unique.  The above photo is a common sight to us here as Westerners.  We are always getting our picture taken with cell phones, with or without permission.  The woman above thought she was being sneaky until I turned my own camera on her and "busted" her attempt of photographic covertness.


Irvan said...

i wonder why there's a mirror near the wing strut

Sean Cannon said...

@Irvan...we use that little mirror to see the right side of the aircraft a little better, particularly the exhaust just in case there is a fire.