Tuesday, January 10, 2012

From the Logbook...A Tough Flight

Just before my in-laws left to return to the USA, a flight came up that I could invite my mother-in-law as well.  We were supposed to take a family back home.  Just before we departed PalangkaRaya we received word that just 15 minutes flight time further upstream there was a patient who was burned.  So, my mother-in-law would be able to see another stop with me...even better.
However, when we arrived in the patients village after dropping off our first passengers, I was informed that my burn patient was actually burn patents...3 of them.  It turned out that a family of 4 experienced a home fire.  Tragically their 8 month old died in the fire.  Their 3 year old was burned over 90% of his body and you can see the mom in the picture above with severe burns on her whole right side.

The father is seen carrying his son above.  The father was also badly burned on both legs from the knees down.  My heart broke for this family as only hours before they were a happy family of four and now they were tragically a family of three.  This particular patient flight really touched me deeply and it still does.  Without the airplane these poor parents may have experienced even more tragedy that day.  Now, their baby boy at least has a chance.  My mother-in-law got to see a little more than she was anticipating that day.  I was joyful she got to accompany me, but she got to see a very raw aspect of what we do.  It's not always easy.


Irvan said...

those pics just heartbreaking.

losing a baby on a fire is way too much to carry. i hope all of them can overcome the sorrow and pain.

unfortunately, my dad says with 90% burned, it's pretty tough for him to survive. i pray for all of them may they recover and Jesus bless them more than before

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sean, it has all still been affecting me too - seeing the pain and suffering of this family. But, what a blessing to see how very important and helpful your job there is to these people in such remote areas. Thank you, sweet son-in-law, for taking me along. Love 'ya! Vicki