Friday, January 13, 2012

From the Logbook...Hiran

Last week Jason and I topped off one of our C185's with fuel and left on an exploratory mission.  Our purpose was to land at a few villages that we NEVER go to on a river system that we NEVER land on in order that we can look into the possibility of being able to serve them in the future.  After we landed, all of the docks lining the river began to fill with people wondering what the airplane was doing in their village.

We finally found a "suitable" dock and had a small meeting with the community that met us there.  We explained our reasons for visiting them and left information on how to contact us.

As we prepared to leave, the dock quickly swelled with people watching us get ready to take off.  It was fun to see a new part of Central Borneo and learn about the needs there.


Irvan said...

never though that still many of villages that never contacted with MAF.

aren't there a roadway connecting one village to another ?

here in west borneo, most of the villages are connected by roads. that's why MAF moved their base from Pontianak to Palangkaraya.

long story short, MCD and MCB (i remembered there's MCF, but i never see it anymore for years) was served west borneo for many years. they do the same tasks like you do right now, missionary trip, medevacs. usually for medevacs, the plane will take them to Serukam, right next to the airstrip there's an hospital with doctors from US. their existence is such a huge blessings for west borneo.

for masyarakat serukam, they still remember Charlie Brown until now. most of them still wondering where is charlie brown right now.

may i have your permission to post your pics of your pics to Anak Serukam group in facebook?


Sean Cannon said...

@Irvan, yeah, you can post some of my pics on the Serukan group. No Problem.

irvan said...

thank you so much for your permission. i will post some of them to that group.

thank you!