Monday, July 02, 2012

From the Logbook...Kampuri

I always like going to new destinations and Kampuri was one of them.  I was taking an old woman and her family back home because the trip overland would be too long and strenuous for her.  Due to the low water levels, the river bank was very steep and slippery to make it up to village level.

Once up at village level however, everything was all green and lush again.  Since the airplane isn't a regular visitor to this location, much of the village turned out as well to see the new visitor.

River levels are currently low which leads to a whole new set of challenges for a river float plane pilot.  Thankfully, Kampuri had a really nice stretch of river to operate from.

I was invited to the old woman's home for a few minutes while I waited for some spontaneous passengers to get ready to return with me to PalangkaRaya.  It's always fun to be invited into someone else's home and hear their life stories which are RADICALLY different from mine.

Upon returning to the airplane, the steep bank had to be negotiated again.  Thankfully I didn't fall on my behind.  Because, after a few other people did, the watching villagers really break out in laughter.  I can't blame them.

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