Sunday, July 28, 2013

From the Logbook...Lots of Patients (pt. 1 of 3)

A while back, colleague Isaac Rogers took a bunch of photos of me returning with a young little girl that was super sick.

I can't recall what they thought she was sick with, but she was in a bad state. 

Usually after I pull into the airplane slip at our dock, I tend to stand back and let the family or medical professionals take over.  This time there was none of that, so I just picked the little gal up and took her to the awaiting car.

I was waiting here for someone to come and get the IV from on top of the girl so that it wouldn't get tangled with her needle and hoses as she was placed into the car.  I'd say half of our patients are transported to a hospital in an ambulance, and the other half in a family members car.  (thanks Isaac for the pictures!)

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