Sunday, December 22, 2013

From the Logbook..."Lake Day" 2 of 3

All in all, we did a lot of flying that day, and performed LOTS of takeoff and landings.  We were interested in "fresh" data for our airplanes in order to continue to operate them safely and with margin.

If you look closely in the above photo, you can see an orange jug just under the wing.  We used 10 jugs at 100 meter intervals to help us determine take off and landing distances as well as abort lengths.  The guys in the boat also measured how long or short the airplane performed certain maneuvers.

As I mentioned in my previous posts, fishing is the livelihood of the villagers where we practiced.  It was fun to see that they were successful.  Not all rivers are healthy enough in Central Kalimantan to catch that amount of fish.

I don't know what species of fish is in the photo above, but from the reaction of my co-workers, it is a prized fish, and very delicious to eat.


Irvan Tjhin said...

that fish is ikan lais. and that's pretty big fish.

Sean Cannon said...

Oh, that's the ikan Lais. I always hear about it, but I had never seen a whole one. Thanks Irvan.