Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Home away from Home

Since we are Stateside currently enjoying our furlough, we need a place to stay while we are here.  Thankfully, we have great accommodations with Rebecca's parents, with lots to see and do.  These pictures are all from early February when we first got here.  Thankfully, most of the snow is gone now and Spring is trying to make an appearance...of course it is snowing as I type this.

This mule named Kitty (actually his name is Rio) is about the friendliest mule we've ever met.  He loves attention and my girls have made great friends with him.

It was fun to see a few mornings of Jack Frost when we got here.  Our girls thought that Jack Frost was only a fictional cartoon character, not an actual occurrence in Nature.  It's so fun to teach the girls things that seem so normal to us since we grew up in Colorado and nor Borneo.

The girls have had a blast climbing around all of the numerous vehicles and farm machinery around the place.  After a few attempts at starting some of his machinery, Grandpa had to remove all of his keys because the girls had left the ignitions on, draining the batteries.

Lots of neat and interesting things to be seen in the barn.  From barn cats, to numerous antlers and horse gear, lots of stories have already been created in the barn.

It's been tradition over the past several years to have a pair of steers in the corrals for future use in filing the freezers with meat.  There is no beef that tastes as good as these guys!

Of course, the mountains have been wonderful to enjoy.  As the snows come and go, we are continually treated to amazing views of God's splendor in His creation.

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