Sunday, February 22, 2015

High Water (Pt. 2 of 2)

Some workplaces have aquariums and other "natural" additions to their office spaces to promote a sense of Feng Shui.  We don't have to go to any effort to have any of that at our office/dock/hangar.  Mother Nature has brought it right to our front door...

We've really been enjoying having a troop of macaque monkeys around the office lately.  Most of the trees around our office currently have some type of fruit currently and the monkeys are finding plenty to eat.

The ground at the base of these trees is currently under about 2-3 feet of water.  But this doesn't slow the monkeys down much.  They can live their whole life in the trees without ever touching terra firma.  It's amazing to watch them jump from tree to tree with effortless grace.

Usually we have the monkeys hanging out near our offices when the water is high because our office location is one of the last remaining areas that actually has trees.  The properties on all sides of us have been clear cut to prepare for other buildings.  As the area around our dock continues to be developed, I wonder if the monkeys will be spending more time in the trees near our office.

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