Sunday, January 01, 2006

She's just so cute

Brooklyn is getting really talkative. We can't understand much of what she says but she's very expressive. Occasionally we catch words like "moo" or "puppy" but the majority is still blabber. (unless, of course, it's Spanish!) I can tell she's going to be quite a talkative young lady. She's also been singing a lot. She makes up her own songs and sings a combo rendition of "Twinkle Little Star" and the "Alphabet Song".

And she loves animals...can't leave them alone. She was funny with the beagle last night. She carried the dog's food bowl all over the house so he would follow her. Pretty soon she was feeding the poor dog one kibble at a time - but not before she tasted it first to be sure it was okay. That's what we call "GUACALA!" in Spanish. It is a combo of "yuck, gross, and icky" and says it better than any English word I know.

Brooklyn is still convinced that everything that flies is a "ducky". We have a hummingbird feeder that Sean fills with sugar water and the other day Brooklyn was outside playing near it. A hummingbird came and was drinking the water (agua in Spanish) and Brooklyn yelled very loudly, "NO, Ducky, dat's Dada's agua!"

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