Friday, March 10, 2006

Around the dinner table

Last night we had a good ol' American dinner of fried chicken, mashed taters and gravy, and corn on the cob. Of course Rebecca cooked it and it was awesome. But the funnest thing was watching Brooklyn eat the meal. Now you must understand, the girl loves butter. If we don't keep a close eye on her when the butter tub is out, she has been known to take a scoop with her hand and put er' right on in. So when she saw the butter all over the very good corn on the cob, she was in heaven. She kept on raising the cob up the the sky, and bringing it down with an uuggghhhhmmm sound, and then chomping down. She liked it so much she ate 2 whole cobs, with plenty of butter of course.

Now what happened at the table after all the food was eaten was even better, well at least for me. Some would take offense to this, so there is your disclaimer. Like all kids, Brooklyn has been learning some interesting things with her other classmates at the school. So after she ate all her food, she proceeded to show us how she learned , pardon the frank word Vicki, to make farting sounds with her arm. She would just lay on her arm as though she was going to sleep, and then let er' rip. It had Becca and me in stitches. Of course we taught her that there is a time and a place for that kind of behaviour, but it is so funny sometimes to see what they are learning. One of the best things about it all was to see us all laughing and having a grand ol' time as a family around the dinner table. Sure, some of the behaviour might have been objectionable, but seeing Brooklyn taking an interest in making her parents laugh, and being comfortable doing so was a neat development. As she gets older it is sure neat to see her personality develop and be able to just stand back and laugh as well as stand in awe of God's little gift to us.

We are "skipping" school today. We are having culture day which consists of various workshops abut the Costa Rican and Latino cultures. It is good stuff, there's no question, but after being through it twice there wasn't much new to see. So instead we have already been to the medical clinic to get some general lab work done for Becca and the pregnancy. Latter this morning we are off to a hospital to have our first ultrasound. On the way home we are going to get some passport pictures taken for our Ecuadorian visas, and then we are going to buy a certain feather for a certain fella. Our remaining days continue to fill up and be busy with logistics. This is a good thing.

Speaking about the visa thing. Our Costa Rican visa should be issued next Thursday. As far as the Ecuadorian visas go, we shouldn't have any problems. The Baptist couple that we have been talking about got their Ecuadorian visas yesterday, so that sets the precedent for us to get ours. We are planning on turning everything in next Friday, a week from today. Thanks for praying with us about this stuff, it is what gets things done!!!

The "Corn Goblin"

1 comment:

carrie said...

Hi Brooklyn. I miss you, and I wish I could have been there to eat corn on the cob with you. Love you! --Catie (Cay-ee)