Sunday, March 12, 2006

There Is a Baby in There!

As Sean mentioned in a previous blog, we went in for an ultrasound yesterday. The baby is tiny - just 2.7 cm long - but all is normal and healthy. Honestly, it was nice to have some real confirmation (and proof) that I've been sick for a reason! And it made things more real. We're incredibly excited now. Before it didn't quite feel real but now there is no doubt that there really is a baby in there! We're excited to be parents again and to enjoy those very special moments between now and, well, forever! Brooklyn was actually there at the appointment with us but didn't understand what was going on. The only real participation she took in the event was to tell Daddy she had to go to the bathroom so that he missed the cool 4D image of the baby and hearing the heartbeat. Oh well. We'd like to do another ultrasound later on (perhaps in Ecuador). I'd really like to find out what we are having but Sean still likes the "thrill" of not knowing until the birth. I just want to know how to plan (yes, I'm a control freak)...who do you think will win? Some people take bets on whether they'll have a boy or a girl. I'm thinking we could take bets on whether Sean wins and we wait to find out or I win and we find out the moment we can. Hmmm. Could be interesting! We both agree that we would be just as excited for a boy or another girl. As long as it's healthy...(sorry for the boring, predictible cliche - I always hated it when people said that but, well, it's the truth!)


Thumper said...

Sean's too classy to ever let on, but if you watch closely, when a father finds out he's going to have a son, there's something extra there. It's distantly related to the look they get when they hit a homerun or bowl a strike – as if having a son was an accomplishment in and of itself.
It's not that fathers love their sons more than their daughters, not at all, but there's undeniably something different about having a son.

Thumper said...

Oh yeah, I forgot, I totally understand the whole "planning" angle when it comes to knowing in advance. I felt I needed to know in advance every time.

Besides, doesn't Sean get enough excitement and unpredictability at work? Let the control freaks have a turn!

God bless you guys! We'll be praying for you.


Rebecca said...

Thank you my beloved cousin. I think we can count on your wisdom and experience in this area! But I must admit, if this is a boy, as happy as I would be...I'm also terrified. I'm just remembering stories from Sean's parents about their little boy. Yikes. I'm not quite ready to start forking over money for broken windows every week. Or explaining to neighbors why my son was trying to ride their llama or shoot all the birds in the county. Then again, Brooklyn is his child too....and she's capable of anything. Help! Maybe I don't want to know in advance after all. They say ignorance is bliss.