Friday, March 03, 2006


I'm sitting here listening to Brooklyn sing one of her songs. I can't understand many of the words but the tunes are similar to "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "Old McDonald Had a Farm." She has a little stick that she's using to bang things around the house as she sings. She's got a pretty good beat going. We are constantly amazed at how much she is growing up and becoming a regular little girl. The other day she grabbed a book of hers and called me in to our bedroom where we have a lamp set up on the headboard for reading. She wanted to just "chill out" with Mommy and read our books side by side. We did that for about an hour and she'd occasionaly reach over and give me a loving pat on the shoulder to mention something interesting she had found in her book. I found myself watching her more than reading my own book! Yesterday I marveled as I watched her play. She's got "imaginary friends" now. She'll just talk away at the "friend" sitting in the swing and then she'll give that swing a good push and say "Weeeee!" Yes, she needs a sibling! We're working on that one. (Speaking of that - everything is going well so far with the pregnancy.)

1 comment:

carrie said...

Oh, how I'd love to give that little girl a hug! Guess you'll have to do it for me. I'm so glad you can still see just how precious these toddler moments are. The joys far outweigh the frustrations! Post some pictures soon.