Friday, April 21, 2006


We only have 1 week left here in Costa Rica!!! We are beyond excited to make our next move to Ecuador. We have not been doing much of anything in school or afterwards, so we are really looking forward to having something to do (i.e. a job). Tommorow at the school we have a schoolwide garage sale in which we hope to sell most of everything we have adquired this year. It doesn't amount to much, and we won't walk off rich afterwards, but at least we will have that much less to pack. That is our plan this weekend, to pack our things. We do still have school Monday but we have already decided that we are not going. So that leaves tommorow as our last day of Spanish Language School! Today at school for Brooklyn they filled up a few of those portable swimming pools and let the kids at it. Supposedly Brooklyn was the first in and the last out. She loves to be in the water and "swim." Because of that we are all looking forward to staying our last night here in Costa Rica at a hotel which does have a pool, and having a time to "relax" before the big move.

Also, you may have noticed I put some links on the sidebar of our blog a few nights ago. Hopefully these will help if people have interest in what we do with MAF and the various ways to be part of it's ministry. Check them out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sean and Rebecca, I will be praying this weekend as you prepare to and or in the moving process. May God be with you.

In Christ,