Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Real Countdown Begins

So, we're down to just 5 more days in Costa Rica. This is one of those times in my life when I just have to keep telling myself that this is real. I feel like I'm just fooling myself or lying outright to anybody that I talk to about our departure from Costa Rica. Does Ecuador really exist anyway? Yeah, I know we get emails from there but it could all be a very cruel joke couldn't it?

We finished our last day of school yesterday. There are classes on Monday but we aren't required to go. In fact, our teachers sort of hinted that they don't want us to come to class that day! It's probably because they've been trying to figure out what to do with us for the past month anyway. Other classes are still finishing up the book but our class has been done with that for quite a while. Our poor teachers seem to feel kind of frustrated trying to keep us busy when there just isn't any more material to cover! Sure, we keep practicing speaking but these poor teachers have heard every boring detail of our lives more than once. They get a pretty glazed-over, far away look in their eyes every time we start to tell a story.

Our class had a party yesterday to say good-bye. We presented our two teachers with gift certificates to a nice department store here and a thank you card. They seemed very touched. It was weird to say good-bye, to realize that this stage of the game is really over. All that is left is the graduation on Tuesday.

We're trying to pack. We can't seem to get motivated just yet. It seems kind of early! Sean and I have never tackled anything big (such as packing) very early. When we moved here we were packing the night before we left. We seem to work best under pressure! Well, we do still need most of our things. I'm finishing up some laundry so we can start packing away some clothes. In a way, it still feels like a waste of time to isn't like we're really moving to Ecuador in 5 days anyway. Funny how you look forward to something for so long that when it really comes you can't believe it could possibly be real.

Keep praying for Brooklyn especially. She's a little out of sorts. Her life is not "normal" right now. We've told her several times about our new house in Ecuador and she's actually very excited about it. She tells us all the details about our new house when she gets talkative. But she doesn't really understand what a move like that means. She's going to miss going to kinder, playing with friends and teachers that shower her with love. All her toys are about to be packed away for a while, she's not going to like that. Mom and Dad are busy and don't like it when she grabs things that are put in a special pile. And when we get to Ecuador, she's going to have to stay home with boring old Mom all day! I may be looking forward to that, but I have a feeling Brooklyn will be a little disappointed with the way I organize her day in comparison to her teachers (who, by the way, are energetic and get paid to make her day fun)!

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