Sunday, April 02, 2006


I had one of my famous "Becca experiences" today. I suppose I'd better share it. Maybe it will be like therapy. Maybe not.

I went shopping today with three other ladies from school. There is this great used American clothes store and I'm in the market for some maternity clothes now. So, we all happily went. After about an hour and a half of scouring two floors of randomly organized clothes, I had basically found all I was going to find. I managed to find two tops, both very nice. The other ladies were still busily looking through the clothes upstairs and I realized they weren't near done - their options weren't quite so limited as mine and they were making some great finds. Normally I would have been right in there with them but it was getting hot and I was starting to feel naseous...again. I nervously drank my soda and tried to eat some Mentos to calm my stomach but it didn't appear to be working.

Finally I went and paid for my two shirts. As I stood in line, I could feel sweat breaking out on my face and I knew I was going to have either get out of that store or find a bathroom soon. Finally I made it to the front of the line and paid. I ran upstairs to tell the other gals that I had to go. We agreed to meet at a restaurant just a few blocks away and I ran off doing my best to tell my stomach to CALM DOWN.

As I hurriedly walked the two blocks to the restaurant I was feeling worse and worse. Please, Lord, help me! If I could just make it to the restaurant's nice bathroom.... But it wasn't meant to be. Before I knew what was happening I was throwing up in the gutter. I was a mess and everyone was staring at the wild-haired gringa puking in the street. I had nothing with me to wipe my face with so I just kept walking, trying to be inconspicous (ha!) as I took about five more steps and threw up again, this time in front of a cute little bakery. Thankfully, a lady from the bakery hurried to my help and led me through the bakery (yum, sanitary -a puke covered gringa walking through their nice kitchen). Anyway, I was able to clean myself up. And I felt just fine after the fact. I went back out and explained to the kind lady that I was pregnant and still having morning sickness - it is called "echaques" here in Costa Rica. She didn't seem to want to get too close to me but she did understand. I may have still smelled.

I wasn't like this with Brooklyn. I'm 3 months along now and hoping that soon my stomach will calm down. I'm not a normally weak-stomached person and so I continue to be shocked just about every time I throw up, which is often. And I'm starting to get pretty mad at the situation! Especially after my lovely experience today. All I know is that this kid better be worth it! :) I know, as soon as I see that sweet, pinched little face I'll forget all of this...that is exactly why I am writing this down - so I don't start to think I want to do it again!

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