Friday, March 31, 2006

Women Preachers...

This past Tuesday I heard one of the best preachers I have heard in a while. The preacher was really sharing from the heart and you could tell the audience was really captivated by what was said and wanted to continue to hear more. The words seemed to flow so smoothly, and the thoughts were deep, yet said in such a way that the common man could easily understand them, and also put the ideas into practice. The words were said in love, yet they were laden with a touch of conviction, but only in service to Jesus from a right heart.

This "preacher" I encountered was in my own home. The preacher just so happens to be my awesome wife Rebecca. I happened to come home during her Maid's Bible Study last Tuesday and was really blown away by what I saw my wife of almost 6 years doing. Not that I ever doubted her teaching abilities, I had just never seen them in action. Not only was I viewing her heart and teaching for the first time, but it was also in Spanish!!! She did so awesome. She filled the heart of her husband with tons of pride, knowing that my wife can spiritually hold her own, not only in English (the mother tounge) but in our new adopted language of Spanish. It is awesome to be able to see ministry take place first hand, and it is even sweeter when it is coming from a family member, in this case my wife. If make me wonder about some of the sermons recorded in the Bible, and how they may have been in Greek, Hebrew, and even Latin all in the same day by the same person. Learning this language has at many times been hard, but to see the fruit two days ago was worth all the pain and studying and embarrasment ect. I was and still am so proud of my "little preacher wife" and cannot wait to see how God is going to use her and her new language in Ecuador as well.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Okay, you made some points. We'll keep you.

It touches me to know you appreciate my sister! She is a jewel, isn't she?! God has gifted her in many areas. You're pretty swell, too, Mr. Sean.

I'm excited to see how God will use BOTH of you!