Sunday, June 04, 2006


Tapachula. It's in Mexico almost on the Mexico-Guatemala border and that is where Sean spent the night last night! As you know, the plan was to reach San Jose, Costa Rica yesterday. They apparently had some engine problem - nothing serious but they weren't able to keep going on to Costa Rica. The MAF program in Oaxaca was going to send down the part that they needed on a bus. It will be a very easy thing to fix and they are hoping to make San Jose today. I got an email from Sean last night from their hotel in Tapachula and he sounded like he was still having fun and enjoying spending time in Mexico. While an engine problem may sound ominous, it wasn't a life-threatening problem - and don't forget that if anybody can handle it, it's two well-trained MAF pilots! Some of us would be horrified by the thought of being stranded in a strange city in southern Mexico but when you already know Spanish and enjoy these kinds of adventures....well, Sean is probably having the time of his life! (Actually, I wish I was there myself!)

Brooklyn and I continue to do well. We'll probably go ahead and go to church this morning. Since Sean and I haven't really decided what church we want to become a part of, my biggest struggle this morning is deciding which church I want to go to! I'll probably make the drive down to Puyo, just because I feel the need to get out of the house and go somewhere.

Keep praying!

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