Saturday, June 03, 2006


  • A quick email from Sean last night said they had arrived in Oaxaca, Mexico safely. Today they'll fly on to San Jose, Costa Rica. It might be kind of weird to see that place again so soon! They'll spend the night in a guesthouse not too far from where we lived. It's a bummer he'll be there over the weekend - sure would have been fun to walk into the Institute and visit our language teachers and the students that we still know there!
  • Brooklyn and I had pizza with some friends of ours last night. I was grateful for the invite since I'm alone and not much in the mood to cook for myself and a picky two-year-old! It seems there is something each day to look forward to. I've been able to spend some time with several of the other missionaries here this week and, if it weren't for that, I'd probably be pretty depressed and lonely by now!
  • There is an aviation fuel shortage here in Shell. MAF still has plenty but other aviation companies on the field are asking for loans on our fuel. Last summer MAF actually ran so low that they had to cancel flights and had just enough to fuel all the planes in the case of an emergency. We're still a long way from that, but it goes to show you that you just never know what kinds of things will come up against you when you are operating in a foreign country.
  • I read online in the local newspaper of my home area that a "Chili's" Restaurant is coming into town! Wow! First a Super Wal-Mart, then Blockbuster Video, now this? By the time we come home on furlough, Alamosa will be a regular metropolis!
  • Brooklyn loves "Milo and Otis." She watches that video everyday and I just don't get how it can hold her attention for so long. Sure, the dog and cat are cute but even the action scenes are pretty dull! Oh well, she's content.
  • It is a struggle to get Brooklyn to do anything other than watch videos. I try to limit it to once a day but she is constantly begging to watch something. Yesterday she was doing her best to convince me. The conversation went something like this...

"Mama, I wan mouse." (that's Ice Age, don't ask why)

"No, Brooklyn, you already watched a movie."

"Mama, I wan ducky." (that is another video about a duck)


"Mama, I wan cake puppy." (yep, a Strawberry Shortcake video with a puppy in it)

"Brooklyn, no!"

Exasperated,"No, Mama, I don wan 'NO', I wan watch movie!"

That one caught me by surprise and I laughed. Smiling, Brooklyn, gave me her cutest face, "Mama, I wan plane." (that would be "Jay-Jay the Jet Plane.")

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