Friday, August 25, 2006

Little Miss

Brooklyn loves to get these little books from the library at the school. She tends to pick out the same small-sized books every time we go for library hour. She enjoys "reading" to anybody or anything that will sit still long this case her baby doll was the willing audience within her reach. I love that Brooklyn is so into books but we spend a lot of time looking for these little books when it's time to return them to the library. By the way, has anybody seen Jemima Puddle Duck laying around?

On another note, our "Little Miss Sunshine" is now perfectly well and happy while her parents are battling colds of our own. We don't get sick very often. Sean and I both agreed that the added stresses of culture shock, getting up to speed with our new "jobs," and trying to start up our own home and life here in Ecuador has made us more susceptible to illnesses our immune systems might normally have been able to fight off easily enough. Not that we are seriously ill but a dripping nose or persistent headache can really get to be a drag! --Becca (p.s. Sean is right, downloading pictures with this high-speed internet is really fun!!)

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