Friday, August 25, 2006

The technology trickle down...

As you see in the news, and perhaps experience first hand, technology is always advancing and reaching parts of the world that never knew such "luxury" before. That said, we just got high-speed internet at our house, in the middle of nowhere, at the foot of the Andes mountains where the Amazon jungle begins. Just to see on my end how much nicer this new technology is, I uploaded this picture of this Spanish Airbus landing in Quito. Let me just say that I will be saving some time uploading pictures with our new DSL instead of dial-up!

For those of you that didn't know it, we also have a hangar at the Quito airport. I was standing on our ramp when I took this picture. You are definetly up close and personal to what is going on in the takeoff/landing realm when you are at our hangar in Quito. This particular flight from Iberia Airlines (Spain) arrives everyday at around 4pm.

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