Sunday, November 19, 2006

A Word from Becca

Sean tells you all about his exciting days as an MAF pilot but in a minute you'll read the rest of the story...

You see, Sean's flying adventures account for about a quarter of what life is like here for the Cannon family. Most of it isn't very exciting, I'm afraid. Occasionally, though, exciting things do happen in the day to day routine.

Last night (Friday) Sean brought home Chinese for dinner on his way home from work at about 6:30 p.m. I was in the bedroom trying to hang a stupid curtain and was ready to become very unladylike when Sean showed up. We are getting ready to move into our own house (yes!) and so I spent all day Friday washing and re-hanging curtains (no!) in this house that we have been house sitting. I was almost done and was trying to hang a swag thingy in the bedroom. Sean walked in on me standing on a chair strangled by billowy green fabric, trying to keep my balance, pull the curtain out of Brooklyn's grasp and get the thing to stay put on the curtain rod, which by the way, it refused to do after repeated attempts. Anyway, he offered to help and between the two of us we managed to put the thing up - it ain't pretty but it's clean and it isn't falling down on anyone's head....

Madison was pretty fussy by this time in the evening (it seems to be her habit to get mad at around dinner time) and so I told Sean to go ahead and eat while I tried to calm Maddie down. So Sean dished up some fried rice and breaded corvina (fish) for himself and Brooklyn. A big storm moved in and BAM! no more lights. We're used to that by now, so we just got our flashlights out and everybody kept eating. It wasn't long before the lights were back on and Madison seemed content enough for me to be able to eat. Well, Madison didn't stay happy for long and so Sean picked her up so that I could finish my plate. Next thing we know there was another very loud blast and it all went black again. Brooklyn had been fine with all the loud thunderclaps that had been going on all night but that one was very close and frightening - so I was hurriedly fumbling around for the flashlight that was next to me on the table while Brooklyn and Madison were both screaming at the top of their lungs. Once I found the flashlight and things calmed down a bit I finished my already cold meal holding a scared Brooklyn in my lap. The electricity never did come back on so we all went to bed early (and that was fine since Sean had a tiring day of flying and I was exhausted after losing a wrestling match with a stupid green curtain.)

The next morning we were able to sleep in a little bit. It's an unspoken rule that I get to sleep in on Saturday morning since I never sleep a solid night anymore. So Sean (after much prodding by me) got up with Brooklyn. Since the electricity had never come back on, Sean decided he'd better set up the generator so that our stuff in the freezer didn't go bad. I was laying around in bed still when I heard him up on the roof (the roof is flat and there is a storage space up there) banging around. I heard a loud noise and then heard Sean saying "Becca I need your help - NOW!" Something in his voice told me that I probably shouldn't even take the time to go to the bathroom before heading up so I jumped out of the bed and made my way up the stairs. I was trying to clear the cobwebs from my head when I heard a rather desperate plea again - "Becca, are you coming?" It sounded serious but not deadly so I didn't break into a run our anything but I did pick up the pace as I took the last three steps to the roof. I could see Brooklyn - she was fine but had a funny look on her face - but Sean was no where to be found. Then I heard him say "I'm over here." Still I couldn't locate him...until suddenly I saw just the top of his blonde head and his wide blue eyes peeping over the generator (which is about a foot and a half tall). There he was with his arms and one leg, barely holding on to the edge of the roof! There was a sort of desperate look on his face...but he was surprisingly calm there clinging to slick tile for his very life. I hurried over to him and immediately started firing off questions about how he got himself into such a predicament. Ever so calmly he reminded me that it wasn't really a good time for him to have a chat and began instructing me in what to do to help him. Once the generator was out of the way, I was able to help him crawl back onto the roof - miraculously he had been caught by a water drainage pipe on his way down or I would have been taking him to the emergency room with a broken something or other. Whew! Who knew that the real danger Sean faces would be at home.

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