Thursday, January 11, 2007


Many of you are probably wondering if we made some kind of new years resolution to stop blogging. Nope, nothing of the sort here. We have just been busier than a hive of bees in a flower patch, and it looks like things will lighten up next week. At work we have been real busy, and we also have my parents and sister with us. I flew almost 5 hours yesterday, and I have flown every day since last Thursday, including the weekend. I still don't have much time right now, just wanted to let everyone know we are fine, and doing great, we are just in a real busy season right now. Thanks for reading...I'll post more later, with lots of pics too.

1 comment:

Angilynn said...

Ok Sean I want to know if your dad had his finger amputated in your airplane hangar or if he just got gangrene from being stubborn. Love to all. Aunt Angilynn