Sunday, January 21, 2007

A few recent snapshots...

While our families were here we tried to get some family shots of everyone. This is taken of Becca's side of the family at an old Spanish villa built in the 1700's in the central Andes. Yes, Madison is letting out a shout of "joy."
Here is my side of the family on top of the world. There is a lookout point near Quito that we took both families to. It seemed to be a hit, and the views are awesome. We are at about 12,500 feet above sea level in this picture.
You have probably read about all the rain we are getting. Yes I know that I live in the RAINFOREST, but even the locals are saying we have been getting more than "normal," whatever that is. Anyway, my point is that is can sure make landings interesting, and sometimes the airplanes get a little dirty. Luckily I flew through some rain after this landing (go figure, it was raining) and it washed most of the mud off so I didn't have to when I got back to Shell.

1 comment:

Javier said...

Hello Sean!

I have a question:
Can you send me some picture of the maf airplane's in ecuador? the Cessna 206G of course!!

Can you send me to: