Monday, January 29, 2007

More bugs...

Becca and I were outside this afternoon and all of a sudden she let out that shriek that only a woman can make. Those of you who have heard it know what I am talking about. It just about sends a man into cardiac arrest. The first time I heard Becca do it was when we were driving home to Alamosa from Creede, Colorado at night, and I about crashed. Becca saw a large herd of elk crossing the road and it scared her, and I experienced true startlement (is that a word?) for the first time. I didn't mention that I was driving with my headlights off just to see what it was like, but that's a whole other story.

Now, back to our backyard. As you can tell from our photo below we found another bug. Just another grasshopper. But, this is no ordinary grasshopper. Obviously it has an awesome disguise pattern looking like a leaf. But he was unique enough that he made me put on pink dish washing gloves just to get his picture. When a grasshopper is as large as this one was, you can see it's teeth very well. Later the gloves proved worthwhile as he tried to chomp right through the gloves. I know it sounds funny to receive a bite from a grasshopper, but things come big in the jungle, and you don't leave much to chance.

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