Saturday, February 10, 2007

From the logbook...

The past 2 days I have been able to fly Alas 14. Yesterday was my first operational flight in it since I last flew it in July, after flying it down from Kansas. We haven't had hardly 10 minutes of rain in the past 2 weeks (it's a nice thing), therefore the villagers have been hauling out a lot of fish as personal cargo, since the rivers are so low. The fish you see below was a unique one.
This is Ron our base maintenance manager. He flew out with me today to pick up a snake bite patient. As stated, one of the cargo items was fish. I don't know the proper name of this fish, but we call it an armor fish. It was really weird.

Here he is laid out on our cargo cart. After our 45 minute flight from Conambo, and who knows how long out of the water, he was still alive. They say the fish will live sometimes a few days outside of water if the conditions are right. When you tapped on the fish, it was as though you were hitting a coconut. He really had a hard "shell." His scales were REALLY rough as well. Notice how deeply set his eyes are into his sockets.

And of course, what is a good gross picture without a good gross mouth. Wouldn't want to be on the kissing end of those lips.

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