Wednesday, March 14, 2007

From the logbook...Maintenance

This morning I had one flight to get done. It only had 5 stops on it, although it took me about an hour from Shell at it's farthest point. I was mostly taking returning patients to their homes, and bringing a few folks out. It was pretty non-eventful, which was nice.

Later in the afternoon I was asked to do another flight. I quickly prepared the airplane and myself, and I was quickly on my way. But I didn't make it to far. I noticed in my taxi to the runway that my starter was still on. I quickly taxied back to the hangar and shut everything down. By the time I had the motor off, it was too late. The starter was fried, and smelled like it too. So, I canceled my flight until tomorrow, and put a new starter on the engine. I thought the reason my starter never went off was because the ignition key stayed in the start position, instead of returning to the run position. We have had problems with this ignition switch ever since I flew Alas 14 down from the States. So, I threw on a new ignition switch for good measure also.

It was a good thing things didn't work out to go flying anyway. While I was in the middle of fixing things, it started to rain. And when I say rain, I mean POURRRR!!! It was the hardest rain I have ever seen in my whole life. That is saying a lot after living in the tropics the past few years where rain can get really serious. After things settled down a bit, people were discovering that parts of their roofs were missing, trees were blown down, etc. It really rained hard. I probably wouldn't have made it home had I gone flying. So, I just chalk up another one to Providence, and gave God thanks that all things work out to the good of those who love Him.

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